Vanessa Campos

Entrepreneur Staff
Sales and Marketing Director

Vanessa Campos is the sales and marketing director of Entrepreneur Press, Entrepreneur Media's book publishing division. She's worked with more than 50 authors and has helped launch more than 100 business books and counting. 

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Business Ideas

67 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Need new inspiration for a business you can start with $10,000? Here are more than 60 profitable business ideas you can run with now.

Thought Leaders

When Does a Job Become a Career?

Handpicked by the team at Entrepreneur Press, here are four reading recommendations that will help you make the switch.


Must-Read Books for List-Makers, Disrupters and Social Entrepreneurs

Inspired by our own personal goals for the year, here are a few books our Entrepreneur Press® team read in January.

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