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Health & Wellness

The Top 10 Fastest Growing Industries in 2024

Thanks to tech breakthroughs and consumer demand, these industries are expected to boom in 2024.

Business News

Site Traffic Down? Here Are the Big AI Changes Google Made to Its Search Tool

Google's search changes have revenue-impacting implications for many websites.

Side Hustle

These Coworkers-Turned-Friends Started a Side Hustle on Amazon — Now It's a 'Full Hustle' Earning Over $20 Million a Year: 'Jump in With Both Feet'

Achal Patel and Russell Gong met at a large consulting firm and "bonded over a shared vision to create a mission-led company."

Social Media

Here's How I Determine If I'm Getting Value Out of X (and How You Can, Too)

Don't let low-value accounts and promotional material bog down your time on X (formerly Twitter). Here are some strategies to curate content, engage with quality people and maximize your time.

Starting a Business

The Scrappy Origin Story of Toast, the Game-Changing Restaurant Tech Company

Toast CEO and co-founder Aman Narang discusses the company's humble beginnings, their culture of scrappiness, and how they've transformed the way that restaurants do business.

Science & Technology

Track Weather and Air Quality with This $40 Storm Watch Radar Subscription

Use it to plan out business trips and operations with increased knowledge.

Side Hustle

Their 'Magic Internet Money' Side Hustle Just Hit $1 Billion in Sales: 'We'd Empty 6 Figures of Cash Onto the Counter. The Bank Teller's Expressions Were Priceless.'

Inspired by the concept of decentralized money, Neil Bergquist and Michael Smyers came up with a lucrative idea they believed "would nearly run" itself.

Starting a Business

The B2B Creator Economy Is the Next Big Thing. Here's the Company Making It Happen.

Tech founder David Walsh details the launch and growth of Limelight, a powerful new collaboration platform for brands and B2B creators.

Growing a Business

Future-Proofing Your Business — 5 Strategies for Sustainable Growth in Times of Change

Key strategies for marketing and advertising agency leaders to navigate the rapid pace of technological and market changes, ensuring survival and growth.

Science & Technology

Your Face is Data — and Scammers Are Using it for Fraud. Here are 5 Tips When Using Identity Verification

In today's crowded identity verification market, selecting the most suitable option can be daunting. There are simply too many solutions to be considered and tested out. This article highlights the key criteria to pay close attention to when deciding.