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Business News

Why Focusing on Customer Support is Vital for Success

Your ability to generate long-term success in your small business is tied to the way you interact with and treat your customers. If you provide outstanding customer support, you're more...

Business News

How to Split Time Between Inbound and Outbound Marketing

For most B2B companies, it’s important to focus on both inbound marketing and outbound marketing. These distinctive approaches are complementary in many ways, so if you use both efficiently, you...

Business News

How to Improve Your Sleep During National Sleep Comfort Month

During November, we celebrate National Sleep Comfort Month. Why is that important? As a result of poor sleep, various mental health disorders can also develop and worsen, including depression, anxiety,...

Social Media

LinkedIn Hits 1 Billion Users Launches AI Chatbot Coach

The company hopes to attract more users and advertisers, ultimately driving up revenue and reversing the downward trend.

Business News

Planning a Stress-Free Thanksgiving

For me, Thanksgiving always stands as a beacon of warmth and togetherness as the aroma of turkey, sweet potatoes, and freshly baked pies flows through the house. But before you...

Business News

Top 10 Loom Alternatives for Superior Screen Recording

The need for rock-solid communication channels at work is at an all-time high. With things like remote work and evolving technology constantly affecting the workplace, it's important for employers to...