Innovation - Page 8

Leaders have to stay at the forefront of innovation. Discover innovative trends across technology and strategy that will help you stand apart and lead towards success here.

Starting a Business

This Black Founder Was Denied a Business Loan and Set Out to Prove the 'Gatekeepers' Wrong. He's Made More Than $500,000 So Far — But It's Just the Beginning.

Rob Gooljar, founder of IRIS blossom, started an Instagram account to share his love of floral arrangements — then the requests started rolling in.

Science & Technology

4 Reasons Why Your Customer Service Is About to Get a Whole Lot Better in 2024

As the technology powering AI customer support jumps to the next level, the quality of service will greatly improve.

Business Models

Beware the Temptation of Dishonesty — How One Lie Could Sink Your Business

Let's explore the pivotal role of honesty in the entrepreneurial journey and uncover the risks associated with weaving a web of deceit.

Science & Technology

Driving the Future: AI, Ethics and Jobs in the Age of Automation

Venture into the epicenter of innovation with Jonathan Campos as we dissect the titans of tech, steer through the self-driving revolution and grapple with AI's impact on jobs.

More Posts on Innovation

Side Hustle

He Started a Side Hustle in His Parents' Basement and Won Big on Richard Branson's TV Show. The Business Saw Over $650 Million in Annual Revenue Last Year.

Shawn Nelson, founder and CEO of furniture manufacturer Lovesac, thought it would be "funny to make a giant beanbag chair."


Why Saying 'I Don't Know' Makes You a Better Leader

Great leaders do not have all the answers. "I don't know" may come across as three simple, innocuous words, but they do have the power to make business stronger.

Business Models

This is the Real Secret to Success — How to Lead Even When You Are Losing

Everybody likes to win. Nobody likes to lose. But what teaches you more? As in, which experience does more for us—personally and also professionally speaking?

Thought Leaders

8 Reasons Why We Need Entrepreneurs Now More Than Ever

Entrepreneurship is the driving force behind the global economy's growth. Now more than ever, we need new entrepreneurs to spur innovation.

Growing a Business

Overcome Startup Growth Challenges in 2024 By Utilizing This Valuable Resource

Although there is some hope that the venture capital market is slowly stabilizing, the upcoming year will still be competitive for most startups. Here's a solution that can help some to get ahead in the Hunger Games.

Operations & Logistics

Why Blockchain Technology Hasn't Dominated the Supply Chain... Yet

Blockchain was believed to have transformative potential in supply chains, but surprisingly, this potential remains untapped years later. Uncover why..

Starting a Business

How Personal Passions Fuel Business Success for the CEO of Vivid Seats

On this episode of "The CEO Series," we sit down with Stan Chia, CEO and Board Director of Vivid Seats.

Business Culture

How Asynchronous Work Can Help Battle and Eliminate Burnout

Burnout is everywhere, and having witnessed the potentially life-threatening health detriments that it can have, I believe we need to do all we can to reduce it.

Business News

'I Am Absolutely Terrified': OpenAI's New Project Isn't 'Broadly' Available Yet — But It's Already Setting Off Alarm Bells

The company behind ChatGPT wants to "help people solve problems that require real-world interaction."

Side Hustle

The Side Hustle She Started in Her Princeton Dorm Room Led to a $510 Million Business: 'Don't Take No for an Answer'

Danielle Cohen-Shohet launched a successful side hustle in college, combining her love for design and entrepreneurship, which ultimately led to GlossGenius.

Business News

The Richest Man You've Never Heard of Isn't Sure What to Do With His Billions

Autry Stephens' net worth has grown by $17.5 billion since February last year, behind only Nvidia's Jensen Huang and Meta's Mark Zuckerberg.