Accounting - Page 8

Do you or your business need some accounting help? Learn accounting skills for yourself, plus tips on how to find the right tax accountant for you and more.

Business News

3 Major Benefits of Updated Bookkeeping and Accounting Records

Every business big and small should have regularly updated bookkeeping and accounting records so business leaders can make the right decision with a foundation in the data.


5 Accounting Challenges Startups Face and the Tools That Will Fix Them

Thankfully, adhering to accounting best practices is no longer as challenging as it once was. In fact, low-cost help is available.


Your Taxes Are Done but Are You Getting Your Money's Worth From Your Accountant?

If all your accountant does is make sure you don't get audited by the IRS, it's time to find a better accountant.

Money & Finance

The Accounting Industry's Death is Great News for Your Business

We're living during a watershed moment for accounting, which creates repercussions throughout the business world. A new normal will rise from the ashes of the archaic industry, and this revival will lower costs and increase transparency for businesses in every sector.

More Posts on Accounting

Business News

Uber Admits it Made an Accounting Error and Will Refund Nearly $50 Million to Drivers

The company says it incorrectly calculated how much its commission should have been on rides in New York City over the past two and a half years, according to The Wall Street Journal.


5 Tips for Finding the Tax Advisor Who Will Save You Millions

Death and taxes remain certainties but there is a lot you can do to live longer and pay less.


Franchising's Million-Dollar Question: How Much Money Can I Make?

Like most worthwhile career ventures, the answer lies in due diligence and conversations with people already in the business.


Tips to Avoid Tax Season Stress -- and Keep the Most Money in Your Wallet

As April 18 approaches, check out some of our best tax-saving advice and stories.

Science & Technology

3 Benefits of Cloud-Based Accounting Tools for Small-Business Owners

You didn't become an entrepreneur to spend time buried in paperwork. Use the newest accounting technology tools to make sure that doesn't happen.


Don't Wait Until the End of the Game to Start Keeping Score

To know how your employer is doing you have to follow the money.


4 Accounting Musts for SaaS Startups

Cloud-computing taxation is complex, so don't just sit and wait for your first audit and hope for the best.

Thought Leaders

Why You Should Open a Business Account for Your Startup

Using your personal account for business and personal expenses can be messy.

Science & Technology

The Awkward Office Love Affair of Bots and Bookkeepers

AI bots will speed data processing but businesses that let bots entirely replace humans will find it impossible to stay competitive.

Growing a Business

5 Entrepreneurial Shoves to Push You Forward

Business owners often want to oversee every detail, and that's a great way to burn out. Avoid disaster by tapping resources -- and letting go when you need to.


How and When to Grow Your Company's Accounting Function

When people start businesses, they don't always think about the ancillary tasks that keep those businesses going. Accounting, for a start.