Laura Lorber

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'Jobs' Movie Is Missing the Magic of His Story

Moviegoers get plenty of inspiring quotes in 'Jobs' but little inspiration.

Thought Leaders

Entrepreneur Who Led the Pack in the Dog-Walking Business Dies

The New Yorker is credited for making dog-walking a professional business. The easy-entry niche has since boomed along with soaring demand from busy families.

Health & Wellness

Shaquille O'Neal on Geeks, Partnering and Winning in Business

The retired basketball star has advice for entrepreneurs.

Social Media

Think the Flintstones, EQ and Other Tips from Gary Vaynerchuk About Connecting With Customers

In this chat interview, we asked entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk your questions about winning over customers on social media.


Webinar: Smarter Online Marketing With John Jantsch

Join us Wed. Nov. 14, at 12 noon Eastern for a free webinar, 7 Stages of a Total Online Presence, with Duct Tape Marketing's John Jantsch.

Social Media

Community and the Value of a 'Kinky' Business Idea

Do others feel your pain? Then you might just have a great business idea. A recent online kerfuffle underscores the power in harnessing the passion of a community.

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