
Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes

In the past decade greenhouses have become as very hot home improvement product and project. As the baby boomer generation slips into retirement they are looking for ways to keep busy, physically fit, and enjoy life. Greenhouse hobby gardening provides them with exactly what they are seeking. There are various approaches that can be taken for starting a greenhouse installation business. These approaches include: • Designing, building, selling, and installing greenhouses. • Designing and selling U-Install-It greenhouse kits. • Selling and installing greenhouses for existing manufacturers. Profit potential range is $20,000 per year part-time and $50,000+ per year full-time.

Greenhouses Ideas


Take your passion for plants to green spaces near you.

Herb Gardening

With today's focus on health and gourmet food, there's no better time to start growing herbs.

Herb Farm

Feed the popular organic market with fresh herbs.

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