Party Tent Rentals

Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

Renting party tents is a fantastic opportunity for people who are searching for an easy way to earn extra money. Just think of all the people, companies, and organizations that routinely rent large tents for outdoor events'wedding planners, catering companies, event and corporate planners, charity organizations, retailers hosting under-the-tent sales and clearance events, and sports teams and clubs, to name just a few. New party tents can be expensive, up to $5,000 or more for large ones, but with a little bit of research it is possible to buy secondhand party tents in good condition for about half the cost of new and even less if you are prepared to make a few repairs. As a rule of thumb, large party tents require about one hour for two people to set up and about the same time to disassemble, while one person can erect and disassemble smaller tents in half that time. Depending on tent size, rental rates are in the range of $200 to $400 per day, including delivery, setup, and disassembly. Extra income can also be earned by renting tables, chairs, lighting, and PA systems.

The Market

Wedding planners, catering companies, event and corporate planners, charity organizations, retailers hosting under-the-tent sales and clearance events, and sports teams and clubs, as well as individuals hosting events.

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