

'Unpredictability in Various Forms' — How Franchisees Can Adapt and Protect Themselves From Election Year Uncertainty

Franchising can be both exciting and challenging, especially during times of unpredictability — like a U.S. presidential election year.

Business News

Who Is Vivek Ramaswamy? Meet the Latest Entrepreneur Running For President.

Entrepreneurs have a long history of running for office.

Money & Finance

The Great Post-Covid Recession Was Never Real — It's All Media Hype. Here's Why.

For months, we heard the buzz about an impending recession. But a few weeks ago, the references to a looming economic disaster suddenly stopped. Why is everyone so quiet?

Growing a Business

From Faith to Politics: How to Navigate Difficult Conversations in the Workplace

In today's climate, it can feel difficult and even dangerous to bring up topics like faith and politics in the workplace. The thought of hurting a colleague's feelings or facing consequences with one's employment status can feel like too much of a risk to take. For many of us, engaging in tough conversations has the potential to create rifts between friends, family and colleagues. People on all sides of an issue may feel judged, ostracized for their views, or uncomfortable with speaking their truth.

Business News

A Recession Is 'Not Completely Off the Table,' Warns Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen

The Treasury Secretary shared her thoughts after a disappointing June jobs report.


To Speak or Not to Speak — When Should Your Company Take a Stand?

If you're unsure about whether or not your brand should speak up and take a public stance on controversial issues, here are instances when you should.

Business News

Debt Ceiling Plan: Here's What You Should Know and How It Impacts Your Business

The Senate passed the debt ceiling bill with a 63 to 36 vote on Thursday.

Business News

TikTok CEO to Testify on Security Concerns at Capitol Hill. Will This All Be a Song and Dance?

Chinese-owned TikTok is sending its CEO to sit before the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Social Media

Social Media and The 2022 Midterm Elections: How Social Media Has Changed the Democratic Process

Amid the midterm elections, many are looking toward social media to see how the various platforms are readying themselves for this upcoming election. With the fear of spreading misinformation and chaos, many worry that social media companies are not doing all they can.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

Kevin O'Leary on Leading and Innovating to Build a Better Digital Asset Marketplace

In an exclusive interview, the 'Shark Tank' investor explains the changes and movements being made towards a regulated cryptocurrency market and how it will benefit investors and businesses.

Business News

This Is the One Economic Indicator That We Should Completely Ignore

What good is a super-sized economy if our society is not made better off? We should focus on measures of well-being, not overstuffed shopping carts.

Business News

Matthew McConaughey: Alright, Alright, Alright, I'm Not Running for Texas Governor

After months of speculation, the award-winning actor, bestselling author and inspiration for countless memes has said he will instead focus on 'supporting entrepreneurs, businesses and foundation.' Well, alright then.

Business News

Non-Wealthy IRA Savers Who Invested IRAs Into Small Business, Startups and Real Estate LLCs Targeted in 'Build Back Better' Plan

The $3.5 trillion reconciliation package pending in Congress contains two sections that will affect anyone already invested in these assets.

Business News

The Pandora Papers Reveals Where the Richest People in the World Are Hiding Their Money

A brief overview of the global investigation that revealed offshore dealings among the world's elite.

Business News

Manny Pacquiao Retires From Boxing to Focus on Presidential Candidacy

The 12-time world-title holder and not-uncontroversial Filipino politician puts down his gloves for good.